Sunday 27 January 2013

”You never get too old for Disney!”

I often say to my mom: “You never get too old for Disney!” and every time she just shakes her head and says something like: “You’re so childish”. But I really believe this to be true, if you love Disney you can never be too old or gray to watch it. Therefore I’ve decided to make my very own top 11 named “My favourite Disney movies” - but you, my reader, have to keep in mind that this list isn’t permanent and it’ll probably look different tomorrow. Anyway-doctor, let’s start!
Nr. 11 - Aristocats
My brother loves this film, but he never had the patience to watch all of it (okay maybe once). Therefore I’ve seen this a thousand times and it deserves a place on my top 11. Besides the cats play jazz and as you know, everybody wants to be a cat!
Nr. 10 - Pocahontas
I’ve pretty much chosen this film because of the song “Colours of the Wind” and the raccoon (and the hummingbird). Though I’m disappointed that she never got John - never watch Pocahontas II, kids, never!
Nr. 9 - Lady and the Tramp
Yeah most of the reasons why I’ve chosen these films will be because of the music. In this masterpiece we’ll found “Bella Notte”, heaps of dogs and a very scary dog-catcher.
Nr. 8 - Brother Bear
I think this film is one of the newest on my list and I have to say it’s a bit weird. But I like how people who (sadly) die are transformed into animals, symbolizing their souls. Yeah something like that - I love this film it’s hard to explain why.
Nr. 7 - Cinderella
The mice are great - they can freaking sing and make a dress! That totally deserves a place on the list - and maybe I like that “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo”-song a bit too much…
Nr. 6 - Lilo & Stitch
Lilo adores Elvis (which I do too!) and then there’re aliens involved. Stitch is so fluffy it sometimes hurts my eyes and I really like the story. I never understood though what happened to Lilo’s parents. Maybe I missed something or I just have to watch it again…
Nr. 5 - Beauty & the Beast
Oh Gaston, your ego made this film nominated to an Oscar or something and I’m forever thankful. I’ve always liked the idea that Belle could love the beast even though he looked so evil. They speak French as well which (for a kid like me) was very amusing - and then the chair was alive. Pretty epic.
Nr. 4 - Finding Nemo
The beginning of this movie is so sad (as many other Disney films) but it doesn’t make it bad - and it’s impossible for me to not love a film with a character like Dory and vegetarian sharks. Oh and did I mention the turtles? Turtles rules.
Nr. 3 - Mulan
Mulan must be the greatest role model Disney has made. She saves the entire China and gets the half gay guy in the end, who by the way, couldn’t see that she was a woman. Her horse is also pretty epic (and Mushu) but no grandmother is going to as cool as Mulan’s.
Nr. 2 - The Lion King
The opening intro to The Lion King is the best. Ever. No matter what you say. I’m entertained, amazed and able to sing along to every word sung in English and the story is great - and who haven’t heard of “Hakuna Matata” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” So, I think this film deserve it’s opening here. Oh yes indeed.  
Nr. 1 - The Little Mermaid
It doesn’t come as a surprise for those people who know me that The Little Mermaid is at the top. It’s my absolute favourite Disney movie of all time and it can’t be changed. I love songs, environment (Under the Sea!) and the main character Ariel who never gives up. I’ve loved since the first time I saw it and even though it doesn’t look anything like the story it’s based on I still adore it.
That’d be my top 11. The reasons why I’ve put in this order may seem very silly but that’s just my opinion and I can’t really describe it. Therefore I only have left to say: “Oh, look at me. I’m gonna go touch the butt!” (From Finding Nemo). 

Sunday 20 January 2013


I started thinking to myself; what is "home" and I thought I'd try to give my answer in this week's blog.
I know I've talked about the tastes and smells of my childhood before, and "home" to me is somewhat like that.

When I think of home I think of the smell of bread fresh out of the oven, it's my mom asking my if I want a warm slice with butter, home is eating that slice of bread while my brothers tease each other.
Home is hot chocolate in the afternoon on a snowy Monday, it's my mom asking about my day and then tell a long and silly story about her day, that typically involve her doing something silly, like the time she dressed up as a ghost and scaring the children in the kindergarten she works in (I am not kidding, this actually happened, my mom is not "a little silly" she's bordering on insane (not really, but you know))
Home to me is a fridge where to bottom drawer is always filled with chocolate, and there's candy hidden all over the house, and under the seats in the car.
It's tea waiting for me when I get up in the morning
Home is an orderly desk, with my computer and current project waiting for me, it's my bed with it's colourful bedsheets, home is the book lying there next to the bed, just waiting to be read.

But when I google "home" the first suggestion google has is "home is where the heart is", which is a saying that always confuse me a bit, because of course me heart is in my chest, that is where it's supposed to be. So is home anywhere I am?
I guess home is anywhere I feel at home, anywhere there's people I can feel at home with. I think most people know the feeling of being at a friend's house where you don't feel at home at all, but I also feel like I can visit some of my friends and feel like I've lived there for years.

I think home is wherever we make it be.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Harry Potter nerds for the win

I love Harry Potter. No one can ever convince me that the series stinks and that is has “plot holes” as big as Africa. Therefore I’ll share some random facts about the universe from Harry Potter, and its creator and master herself, J.K. Rowling. And I’m not only doing this because I’ll be doing a presentation about this topic with my friend Camilla in class tomorrow. Anyways, here goes! (Spoiler alert for those who haven’t read ors seen the films).
In the first film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone there were made 17,000 individually decorated boxes for Ollivander’s Wand Shop.
In the second film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets a ghost named Moaning Myrtle appeared for the first time. The actor playing her is the oldest actress to play a Hogwarts student since she was 37 years old.
In the third book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Remus Lupin appeared for the first time. His name can be rearranged to ‘Primus Lune’, which means ‘Full moon’.
In the fourth film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire we all meet Robert Pattinson and we kinda liked him at that point. Later Robert has openly stated that he would rather play Cedric Diggory, who died in this film, than Edward Cullen again.
In the fifth film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the character Lavender Brown had been played by an uncredited black girl, until this film, where she turned white.
In the sixth film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince the headmaster, Dumbledore, is killed and at that time he was around 150 years old.
In the seventh book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Hermione tells Harry and Ron that she has never used the spell ‘Obliviate’ before after she used on two Death Eaters, though she did use on her parents in the begging on the book.
One fact to each film/book, not bad aye? Oh wait I got more. (Don’t worry I’ll stop soon).  
Harry and Dumbledore are the only wizards to ever have held all three Deathly Hallows in their hands. The dementors are a reflection of J.K’s depression. It was not in the manuscript that Voldemort should hug Draco but Ralph Finnes (who played You-Know-Who) did it under one take, improvising completely, and that one take ended up in the eighth film.  And now the last one, I promise! One of the reasons why J.K. didn’t kill Hagrid was so he could carry Harry back to Hogwarts. Hagrid was the one to bring Harry ‘home’ in the first book (to the Dursley’s) and he was the one to bring Harry home again in the last book (to Hogwarts).
That’s all for now I hope you enjoyed it. Potterhead for the win!

Sunday 6 January 2013

art-blocked and distractions, possible New Years resolutions?

Lately, whenever I've tried to do something "artistic" I've just found myself unable to "create". Every time I think to myself "I'll sit down and write a blog now" or "I could go draw now" I just end up doing other stuff, it seems that lately I've been completely art-blocked, yesterday I spend half an hour just trying to draw, and ended up drawing a tiny doodle.
I always end up tumblring or watching youtube videos instead, even as I'm writing now, I have a vlogbrother video running in another tab.
And this got me thinking, I'm not usually one to make New Years resolutions but I think I might do it this year, though  I won't promise to start doing new things, but I will promise to be better at doing stuff I already do. So for example, this year, I want to draw, write and read more often. (I am also hoping that I might run more often and maybe get, and eat a bit healthier... But chocolate is so delicious... Argh! Oh well I'll try)
But basically I need to get better at fighting all the evil distraction the internet offers, and I need to get better at sitting down and then just write or draw.
I also need to read more, over the last few months I've been reading less and less, which I'm not happy about, it's not that I don't like reading, I just don't do it all that much anymore, and I need to fix that! there are so many good books out there waiting to be read...

Oh well, I'm off to draw and read now that I've finished this tiny blog!