Friday, 28 September 2012

Markus the time-traveller

This might seem a bit weird to people who doesn't know about "future Markus", I think I mentioned him before, and I thought I might explain it...
I may I was in Berlin with my class, on the last day we were waiting for the bus to come, and we were all a bit tired and bored, so we were sitting outside the stadium. I was sitting with Sofie, and this guy walked past us, and he looked like Markus, not just a little bit - he looked exactly like Markus, when I realised this I showed Sofie, and we sat there, staring at a stranger.
After this we discussed how Markus could've become a time-traveller. Our conclusion was; in the future Markus will get his hand on a time-machine, and because he by then will know that we saw him in Berlin (with a woman who couldn't be any of us) he'll have to go back without us to walk by. We see this as the only possibly conclusion, and we've joked about it for a while, we thought this would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
But then it got weirder, because I saw him again, I saw future Markus again! I was at a concert and this guy walked past me, he looked exactly like Markus - just older, but older than the other future Markus as well.
The whole future Markus is quite weird, and when I get the time I might write some short stories about him, but for now, I'll just give you an update if anything happens!

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