Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The Rule Book

Today I fell not even close at being creative but then I thought that I had been creative a couple of weeks ago and thought; "Hey, I can just share that!" So here's a few 'rules' from the Rule Book which I began writing with my boyfriend Markus. There might be a slightly over consumption of irony in the some of the rules which I have selected to be shared on this blog. Either way I hope you enjoy! (Note: Some rules aren't being published due to the safety of society). 

§2 The Always-Right Rule
a. Cecilie is always right
b. Markus cannot deny this truth
b1. even though Markus may be correct in the real world

§3 The Silly Rule
a. Markus is always silly
b. Cecilie is never silly
b1. Unless she says so
b2. or it is very obvious

§5 The Animal Rule
a. Cecilie is allowed to have any animal she wants, but it is her responsibility
a1. Does not apply if it would be cruel.
b. Markus has to be nice to Cecilie’s animals, and mustn’t turn them into psychopaths.
b1. They will become his responsibility if he does

§6 The Film Rule
a. Any film on the film-list must be watched at some point
a1. This include films such as Magic Mike and Mean Girls
b. When relevant, films should be accompanied by warnings
b1. If it has been a long time since anyone has watched the film, a lack of warning is forgivable
b2. though nothing is truly forgiven before chocolate or other goodies have been shared

§8 The Hug Rule
a. Cecilie can have all the hugs she desires - every day!
b. When Markus sees that someone needs a hug, Cecilie should hug them
b1. This is due to the fact that many people don’t like the hugs from Markus

§9 The Apology Rule
a. Markus is allowed to tell Cecilie to stop apologizing
b. Cecilie should attempt stopping, but doesn’t have to if it's impossible

Sunday, 4 May 2014

time and things

Wauw! it's been a while, I've been really busy with school and everything else (everything else being spending time with Chris), but as I'm now working on my last assignment, and exams are around the corner (argh, panic!) I'm beginning to see the end of stressing about school - for now! When the exams are done I'm going to apply for university, hoping to get into Studies of Religion (yep, and atheist studying religion, it's more common than you'd think), I'm now starting to figure all my studying stuff out - I'll be taking History as a supplementary subject, and possibly philosophy (but that last one is far into the future). So yeah, I'm getting my things sorted! (kind of, maybe).
Oh yeah, and Chris visited, that was a blast, and I think I'll share some writing I did in relation to that. Get ready to enjoy my sadness:

I feel you slowly letting go of me,
looking me in the eyes,
one last kiss,
my hand lets go of yours,
you walk away.

You say you love me,
all I hear,
is another goodbye.

Train doors closing,
your hand on the train window,
slowly moving away,
leaving me behind,
on my own watching your train leave the station.

I whisper I love you,
all I hear,
is another goodbye.

I turn around,
driving through an empty town,
alone in a cold room,
the taste of our last kiss in my mouth,
a hollow feeling in my stomach.

I sob I love you,
but all I hear,
is another goodbye.

I'm counting the hours since you left,
you're on a plane thinking about me,
as I wait for you to call,
to hear your voice,
you're too far away.

you say you love me,
all I hear,
is another goodbye.

So... yeah, better go do something useful.
- Sidsel