Sunday, 2 March 2014

promises or something

It might be a bit late for New Years resolutions, but it was my birthday this Wednesday and I started thinking about changes I've made or gone through since last year, and what I want the next year to be like, so Chris and I sat down and (as I'm writing we're about to) had a talk about resolutions/promises for the next year (or so).
First of all I've agreed with myself to read at least two books a month, I've been doing that so far in 2014, though exam months and stuff like that, don't really count, we'll see about those.
I've promised myself to start studying history this year, and to find a place to live (away from my parents) before the year is over.
By Easter Chris will have learned some Danish, including the phrases:
"Hvordan har du det" (how are you?)
"Jeg her det godt, tak" (I'm good, thanks)
"Må jeg bede om vandet?" (can I have the water please) yes it's necessary for dinner time with my family...
"Jeg forstod ikke helt hvad du sagde, kan du gentage det? (kan du oversætte det til engelsk)?" (I didn't really understand what you said, can you repeat it? (can you translate it to English?))
"tak skal du have" (thank you)
(more might added to this list)
We promise that this year we'll celebrate our anniversary properly, and in the same country for the first time.
I promise that I'll make this Christmas the best Chris has ever had.
Chris will eventually cut down on sugar.
I promise to kick ass at my exams, and get over my nerves.
Chris promises to get through tech, and do so as brilliantly as he's been doing lately.
We promise to stay in touch with the people who matter, even if they live further away once we move to Aarhus.
We promise to make many pancakes, but only for ourselves. :P

So there, that's our promises for the next while of our lives...
- Sidsel (and Chris) out!

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