Yes, I have done this before and I
now I've done it again - I've interviewed a friend of mine and I didn't even
have to force him to it. Enjoy!
Markus - and NO there doesn't exist a
(good) pic of both of us together.
Are you ready?
Okay, can you start with telling us
a bit about yourself?
I suppose I can. My name is Markus, I'm 18 years
old. I live near Horsens in 2 different places because my parents are divorced.
In my spare time I enjoy reading, playing games on my computer and watching
movies and TV series. Vil du have mere/andet? (Translation: Do you want
more/anything else?)
English please otherwise people won't understand it!
Of course. I added that, because it wasn't intended to be
printed, but rather for you to indicate whether I was doing it right.
Yes, but I'm a terrible interviewer
so everything is going on the blog!
But I'll take the next question.
What's your passion in life?
My passion in life. That's a tough question, because either I
have many or I have none. I don't think there is any one thing that can be
described as "My passion". I'm generally a relaxed guy who takes life one day at a time and try to
enjoy it. Most of my spare time does go into my gaming habit though.
So your future dreams have something
to do with games/gaming?
Well no, not really. Gaming is not my life. Gaming is something I do in my
spare time, that I'd like to continue to do in my spare time. But I don't
really have a "big dream" about it.
But do you have a big dream then?
I guess that would instead have something to do
with physics. I plan to go to University and study physics. I'd really like a PhD.
Excuse me
princess but I have to go watch julekalender (=Danish
TV-show-thingy) with my family, I'll be back in half an hour!
Right-o, I'll be right here when you're back.
*30 minutes later*
Sorry about that, I'm back.
Welcome back, no need to be sorry.
Did you have anything else to add to
that question?
Well, if I have a dream, it is to have a PhD,
probably in physics, but I think that's it. I generally just want to enjoy life.
Lovely! Sounds like a plan! Let me
see I think we got time to one more question. Could you tell the readers about
how and when you first met me?
Well, I met Cecilie through Sidsel. We go to the
same school, but not in the same class, whereas I'm in the same class as Sidsel.
Since Sidsel and Cecilie were really good friends already, I got to know
Cecilie by becoming friends with Sidsel
So you had no choice but spending time with me because of Sidsel? Hint: Now
is the time to say something amusing to end the interview.
I have no idea if I
had a choice, I just went with the flow and look where I ended up!
Aaah I see! Any last amazing comment?
Bowties are cool?
Fezes are cool!
We're all cool!
The End