Compared to
Sidsel I'll spend forever on talking about my study-trip to Sicily, so don't
come and tell that I haven't warned you! Here goes: First we had to take a
plane to Riga (why, I wonder) then to Rome, then to Catania, but something
happened so we flew back to South Italy. THEN we finally came to Catania and
arrived at our 'hotel'. Some of you might know that I get
really sick of flying and all these flights made me really sick .
Luckily my classmates are so sweet that they did whatever they could to make me
feel better. Anyway our 'hotel' (it was more like a B&B but not really) was
really nice, we had a big bathroom with a fake door and six beds even though it
was called a room for four people.
The first
day we walked on Etna! Yes, we're talking about a real volcano which still
spites lava up into the air. It was so amazing
to walk on, to see and smell. Recently there'd been an eruption so the ground
was covered in black lava stones. But underneath these stones there were snow!
So you can imagine my entire class walking on this and suddenly you go right
through the stones and your leg is stuck in a cocktail of snow and lava stones.
It was truly peculiar.
Some of my classmates - notice the snow under the stones! |
The second
day we went to the countryside just outside Noto. We'd arranged that we could
see an organic farm owned by a half Danish woman and her Italian husband. If
Etna was great, this place was maybe even more great! Sicily is known for its
lemons and blood oranges and we saw heaps! The entire farm, nature, streams and
animals were incredible and the hours disappeared in no time. I never thought
that I'd enjoy seeing a farm this much in my entire life. Afterwards we went to
Siracusa where Kath and I saw a lot of beautiful architecture. Really nice
city, even though a couple of Italian guys yelled "Ciao bella!" after
me. I have to try and take that as a compliment I think... When we came home
later that evening a few of the girls and I went into the guys' room and we
talked with them while they were drunk. That
is one of the most amusing things I've done for ages. Not only did they
deny the fact that they were drunk but they also agreed on putting on fake
moustaches. I'm also pretty sure if I hadn't told the guys to go to sleep,
Thomas and Mie would have slept on me. Don't ask why, it was weird...
Camilla and I - look at all 'em lemons! |
The third
day we visited small towns - also beautiful - and then we went to see ravine.
It was, yes you guessed right, also very beautiful and we all had to take
pictures of the stone formations since our NG teacher's big passion is stones.
(She bought home stones which weighed 4 kilo). In the evening almost everyone
went to a local bar where Thomas forced me to try a drink which tasted of
orange and cider. Ew. Oh and Martin (skinny guy, 45 kilos) became so drunk that
a few of the guys and I had to get home after a couple of hours. Luckily the
barmaid drove us and later again (when the guys had had a talk with the people
responsible for Martin's drinking) they bought home Camilla who also was drunk. To make it short: Non of
the guys got very much sleep that night.
Michelle and I - look at the pretty stones! |
The fourth
day I went to the local fish market with Kath and we got some nice pictures and
video for our AT (that project thingy).Then I went into town alone even though
I wasn't allowed. I did have a reason though to do so. I wanted to post
Camilla's postcards for her since she didn't had the time herself. But I got
lost pretty quickly and my map couldn't help so I was forced to ask for
directions. I asked an Italian guy who ended up saying: "You know what?
I'm going to the post office as well. Do you mind coming along?" This
resulted in that I spoke with a complete stranger for twenty minutes while we
went looking for the post office. He was the nicest person on earth, and spoke
very well English compared to everybody else on Sicily. It annoys me that I
didn't get his name though, but he'd lots of interesting stuff to share. Also
this evening the entire class went to a restaurant the girls and I had been to
almost every single day. It was a nice way to end the trip even though it
rained and I had to walk home in the rain with Thomas since I couldn't find the
rest of my classmates. We also played card games that night with a guy from
Germany and I had to stand on Thomas' back to make him feel better. Odd is the
only thing I'll say.
Camilla, Thomas and Jacob - Happy to get something to eat |
The fifth
day we went home. The alarm was set at 3:34 AM and we were hugged by our
families at 9:15 PM the same day. In the train from Copenhagen to our hometown
we also called our history teacher to wish him happy birthday. He was a bit
confused but we thought it was really amusing.
And that's
it people! Oh man that was a lot. I think I better add a few pictures so you
have something to look at - and if it works I'll add the video Camilla made about
our trip. If you want to laugh at silly people and silly teachers you should
check it out! Sille is out! (And very happy.)
(Here's the link, couldn't make it a video on the site, sorry.
2.A ON ETNA! |