Monday, 4 June 2012

Berlin, amazing Berlin

I too apologize for being late but I had totally forgotten it was my turn to write a blog. But here it is and it will be about our (okay only my part) to Berlin! I didn’t really see Sidsel at all in the 3 days we were in Berlin so she might have to write her own blog about it if she wants to. Okay let’s begin!
It took us 9 hours to get to Berlin - that’s a long time when your friend is high on Red Bull and he never stops talking and isn’t capable of staying still. Anyway we saw all the “must-see”-things in Berlin; The Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Tor, the Stasi prison, the TV-Tower and so on. Oh and my class had a 3 ½ hour guided tour through the city with a guide named Rob (from Manchester). To make it short; Rob was amazing! Enough said.
I witnessed two of my classmates eat 2 huge pizzas at an Italian restaurant and I ended up giving massage to several of the guys later that night. Stupid “S, P or K”-game why didn’t I get any massage? (Okay I did get some in the buss when we drove home so I actually can’t complain). Oh well we had a lot of fun even though it’d have been nice if we could have stayed for longer. We only had one entire day in Berlin since we were sitting in the bus half of Wednesday and Friday. But once again I can’t complain at least we had the trip and it was great! I sure got amazing classmates, no doubt, and of course our last-minute-teacher who I’ve never really met before the trip. Our history-teacher, who original should have been with us, suddenly had something to do so a physics-teacher took his place the day before leaving. This physics-teacher was much to my surprise pretty cool and two of my classmates and I spoke with him for hours while sitting at a restaurant. (My entire class had dinner together with our teachers the last night).
That should definitely be enough about that since it’s not very interesting - but I had a lovely trip and I wanted to share my happiness once again.