Saturday, 29 June 2013

Summer vacation

As Sidsel I won't be writing much today either, not that I don't have the time I just think it'd be weird if I was the only one writing in here while Sidsel is being all busy and stuff... I should have been in the USA but because of my dad's illness the insurance company won't pay his medical bill over there if somethings happen to him - so I'm going to Blåvand (town in Jutland) tomorrow and then a week later when I'm home again I'll be leaving straight away to go to Bornholm (the most eastern place and island of Denmark). Oh and then I have 3 lovely days with Sidsel and two days at a gathering for previous students on the writing school I have attended for a couple of years. So not that many plans, hopefully I'll kidnap Camilla or someone else so we can watch Disney movies and if I'm unlucky I'll be forced to watch Supernatural or Games of Thrones... Anyfairy that's all, have a great summer and take care! :3

Sunday, 23 June 2013


I'm not going to really write anything this week, because I have a physics exam on Wednesday, and I'm kinda mostly focusing on that at the moment...
Actually I won't write for a while I think, because I am on Friday going to Northern Ireland, where I'm staying for 16 days, then I'll be back 1 day, then go to my aunt's (with Cecilie) for 3 days.  Once I come back from my aunt's I'll have 1 day to pack and then I'm travelling with my parents for a week, and then the day after we come home, I have to pick up Chris at the train station.
So you probably won't hear from me till sometime in August...
Have a nice summer and take care :)

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Danish food-nonsense

Once again I had no clue of what to write about. Luckily I poked my friend Markus and he suggested I could write about food . So I will - Danish food, of course! (Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be fun). So I've selected a few Danish dishes that I'll talk about and of course I'll have to talk about the Danish people and their food-habits in general - otherwise Markus will be sad. Okay, here goes.
(One) of my favourit dishes of all time are boller i karry which is meat balls in curry served with rice and whatever else you need. My parents still pick on me whenever we're having this dish because I once jumped up and down of happiness when I found out we should have it. So now they're expecting me to do it again which is not going to happen, I'm way too lazy to do so. Unless it's tuna, I'd anything for tuna! Oh well, let's  take another dish. The next dish is called stegt flæsk med persille sovs which is slices of fried pork with potatoes and a parsley sauce. Honestly I'm not sure if I've made had this, but the parsley sauce and the potatoes can also be eaten with normal meat balls (which we call, in this case, frikadeller) so I've had that instead. It's really nice but I could definitely live without it...

A fancy kransekage, Markus found (yes on Google)
Okay the next dish which is up is actually a dessert, hurrah, and it's called risalamande and is rice porridge with extra whipped cream (according to Wiki and my brain).  It's really delicious but we Danes only eat during the Christmas days. But what really makes it great, is that we make it a game to eat this dish. Oh yes, we Danes are really creative (or not). Either way you hide an almond in the dish and the person who gets the almond will get a present. Often, in my family at least, the present will be candy, chocolate or some sort of food. Other families have a bad habit of letting the kids get the almond because they will get disappointed if the mother or father gets it. Well that's not how we play in my family because I haven't gotten the almond ever! Though my grandmother cheats and gives it to me now and then. But anyway here comes the last one!  According to Markus kransekage is also Danish and this is dish is, if you ask Wiki, a wreath cake. Danes normally eat it at New Year's Eve and on special occasions such as weddings and birthdays. Kransekage tastes really good but as all good food too much of everything can be enough. But I think I'll end it here though I could go on and on about Danish food because Markus is a bit upset about me not writing about rødgrød med fløde or smørrebrød - but I might do that another day! Anywizard Sille is out!

Thursday, 6 June 2013


I’m aware that I’ve done this a lot, and by “this” I mean write about my relationship with Chris, and I understand if you don’t want to read more of it, but to be honest it’s one of the most important things to have happened in my life, what I’m trying to find my way to write here is that I’d like to write about big things that happen in our lives (well probably more specifically, my life) and how we remember them
It’s interesting to me, the way I remember things, because for the most part, I don’t remember the “big events” of my life, I remember small details, some from my everyday life, some from unusual events.
I thought of this because I was talking to my mom a couple of days ago (no wild things I talk to my mom pretty much every day, but…)
We talked about when my mom was in her chemo-therapy-treatment, I was six when it started. I remember tiny things like my sister trying to be all motherly, and my four year-old brother crying because he didn’t know what was going on, and I remember when we gave her one of those bubble-gum “tattoos” to put on her bald head (which she did). But what I remember most clearly is going to the hospital with my mom, I remember sitting in the car on the way there talking about my mother being ill, I remember my mom walking out of a sort of changing room wearing a white robe, I remember feeling lost and alone because she had to leave and I couldn’t join her, I remember the kind nurse who took my hand after my mother had left, and took care of me while she was away. But the clearest memories are not of the times when I had strong emotions; the clearest memory is driving and looking at the flowers at the side of the road, and my mom saying how pretty she thinks they were. It’s the little things that are the most important.
In the same way if I think of the times I’ve spend with Chris (I’m here thinking of spending time as actually being in the same country), of course I remember all our hellos and goodbyes, because of all the emotions hammering in my head in those moments. But my clearest memories are of the afternoons when he was visiting me when we’d nap, well mostly Chris would nap and I’d lie in his arms listening to him breathe. Another clear memory is about an evening where we went out on a “fancy date” but what I remember is not what we talked about or what he was wearing, it’s the chocolate cake-thingy we had for dessert; because it was so delicious that we couldn’t stop talking about it. And it’s a very clear memory because I kinda feel like that about our relationship as well, in a way it’s so good that I can’t stop talking about it, and I know I often end up saying the same things, but it’s just how my brain works all flooped up “on love”.

But, all in all it’s the small things that matter, I know that’s a rather cliché thing to say, but I think it’s true. Once again it’s my mom who made me think of it because I asked her why she was talking pictures of normal every day things and situations, and she answered something along the lines of:

“There might be more exciting things in life than a Sunday afternoon, but there’s a lot more Sunday afternoons in life then there’s crazy adventures, and when I grow old, it’s those I want to remember, I want to remember the every day things, and then I’m sure others will tell me about the crazy adventures.”

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Nicknames - the proof that we're lazy

Once again I sat at my bed and thought: "What on earth should I write about?" and then I thought of some of my friends because we had a grill-party-cinema-thingy the other day - and then I realized that I thought about one of them with a nickname I gave her. So BOM we're going to talk about nicknames!
Well first of all I think the idea of having a nickname is great but also a bit lazy. Seriously, you have to be honest, one of the reasons why you give someone a nickname is because their real name is too tiring to keep repeating. For example if your name is Christopher your nickname might be Chris and if you're a girl and named Elisabeth your nickname might be Lizzie simply because it's easier and faster to say! Gosh the human race is lazy. But of course we also give each other nicknames because we like them. We want to show others that we care about them and that they're special to us, so we give them another name. You all know that I have a friend named Camilla and one day we decided to give each other a nickname. Now mine is Michael and hers is Marius. We just choose them, the names themselves have no deeper meaning if I may say so, but it's our way of showing our friendship to one another.
Also I have another friend but we simply have the same nickname for both of us. We call each other "blud" but it's said like "blood" apparently an English way of saying "friend" or "mate". We thought it was a bit amusing to call each other that so we adopted the word and made it ours. Oh and you all know me by my nickname Sille since everyone is too lazy to say my actual name.

Bill from True Blood - aka Biiiiiiiiiiiiill! *Sookie voice*
Before I end this there's one more thing that annoys me - nicknames which doesn't make any sense! When I was younger I read all the Harry Potter books, and I really admired the Weasley family and at one point Bill Weasley was going to get married. Then I read that his real name was William and I thought: "Are you kidding me? How can you be called William and have a nickname which isn't even close at showing what you real name is?!" I was very frustrated, I still am, because for me the obvious choice for a guy named William is to call him Will. Apparently I later found out that it's pretty normal to be called Bill if your name is William, for example I saw this in True Blood where one of the main characters is named so... Still it annoys me! Anypotter I think I'll end it here with the conclusion that nicknames are great and I sound like a hypocrite but that's just me.... Sille is out!