This blog will be an interview with
my lovely friend Camilla - she agreed on this so no forced was used! Enjoy!
Are you ready?
Okay, can you start with telling us a bit about yourself?
then. Well, my name is Camilla, ha. I'm seventeen years old, and on august 20th
I'll turn 18. (Fun fact: Same day as Garfield, Collins & Barnes). I'm a
cosplayer, and a member of the Danish group Pixie Pokers. I love reading, and
to write to own stories, even though I suck at the last part. I'm currently in
second year of high school, where I'm studying English A & Spanish A,
hurrah for that. Uhm.. I'm the oldest of four kids, yo, and I'm trying to make
my youngest brother, who is 2 at the moment, into a nerd. So far, he believes
I'm Iron Man, and that he is Spiderman + he can walk over to people and say:
I a cool sister or what?
So Camilla, what's your passion in life?
My passion in life? I don't really know at the moment. I love to cosplay
and I love to write. But.. I don't have that.. magical feeling inside, you
know, the one you get when really love something. I used to get it all the
time, but lately things have been going downhill. I'm sure it will change
someday, and then I'll hopefully get the magic feeling back whenever I cosplay
or write :)
So does that mean that you don't have a big dream of
I used to have planned everything about my god damn life. I had planned to
become a journalist, no matter what. I had planned to move to England, and to
become a writer. Now, when I think about the future, pretty much everything
seems dark.
So you don't see any light in your future?
Not at
this very moment. Hopefully it will all work out soon. Then we can get the
bookstore with shopping-carts and free tea as we've been talking about!
Oh yes that's true! Then you can tell the readers
about the two us then! Like, how we met, how you still haven't gone mad by
being with me for several days in a row and our plans for the future!
How we
met? We met when you were forced to join the English&Spanish class, right
after Christmas in first year of high school! I'm glad you was forced into the
class, because if you wasn't we most likely wouldn't speak, which would be
pretty sad.
It's true I've been with you for day without being mad; at Sicily, where we
shared a room and when we were writing SRO. We sad in the kitchen two days in a
row, ate "monkey food", watched NCIS and talked about how we just
wanted the god damned - or Satan bless it, if you prefer it that way - SRO to
write itself!
When it comes for future plans we've the bookstore plan. But, besides that,
we've a plan about a huge double wedding where everything is somehow fandom
related. Us, aka the brides, will be wearing princess dresses. Instead of
saying "I do", we'll say "I choose you", and the place
where we'll eat our dinner will be dressed like The Great Hall from Hogwarts!
Oh yes, you're sure right about all that! So before we
end this interview, do you have anything important to add?
truth is... I'm Iron Man
The End
Happy and silly people |