Sunday, 26 May 2013


Everyone has their own way of relaxing, I thought about this on Wednesday when I was sitting in the bus after having cycled 2 km through the pouring rain, it hadn't rained like that for a really long time, and even though it annoyed me because I had to cycle and walk around in it, very few things make me relax like sitting inside with an open window, smelling and listening to the rain, preferably with a cup of tea or hot chocolate.
I've always felt more relaxed around water, so rain makes me very relaxed. On the other hand I don't like lying out in the sun most people do, the whole sunbathing thing just annoys, it's probably because I get really bad sunburns.
I also really feel relaxed if I'm reading a book, the ability to remove myself from my own little life every once in a while is really good. Reading books allows us to live someone else's life for a bit and that way we can get to live our dreams without actually doing so, on the other hand we can also read a book about bad things and afterwards feel happy as we look back on it thinking "at least it's not that bad".
Another thing that makes me really calm is ”being creative”, if I have some project going I generally feel more relaxed, it's the feeling of doing something I like doing like painting, drawing or beading while actually creating something, that's very satisfying in a way.

Other things make me relax as well, sometimes even more, for example the hoodie Chris gave me, whenever I feel stressed or anything the like I'll cuddle up with it and breathe in the smell of him. I also have a turtle-plushie that lies next to my pillow on my bed.

We all have those things that make us relax, we just need to remember that everything is okay...

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Eurovision 2013

Yesterday the 57th Eurovision Song Contest was held in Sweden, Malmø and as many of you know Denmark won. We actually won! Yeah, it's a big deal for us Danes since we've only won twice, back in 1964 and 2000 but now we can add another year, another trophy to our collection. It might sound like I'm a big fan of this contest but honestly I'm just glad that we won, that we have something (someone) to be proud of. Anyway for those of you who haven't heard of this before, here's a short summary:

Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) started in 1956 and is a music competition including the European countries (though with exceptions!) This year 26 countries competed in the finale and there were 16 countries in the first semifinal and 17 countries in the second.  The contest is held by the nation which won last time, meaning being will hold ESC in 2013 - where it's going to be we don't know yet, but maybe close to where Sidsel and I live. Also the way the winner is chosen by the people, meaning that you can vote by texting or calling a special number - just like any other weird singing/talent competition you know from the TV.

Now that you know all of that I'll talk about the actually show. As I've already mentioned a hundred times Denmark won but we didn't just win because Norway and Sweden voted for us. The thing is, when it comes to ESC there's an unwritten set of rules where neighbor-countries have to vote for each other otherwise you're a bad neighbor (simple as that!). For example if you go to Wiki you can see that Denmark as give most points to Sweden (from 1978-2012) and we've accepted most points from Norway (also from 1978-2012). This set of unwritten rules also applies to the other countries which means that the voting sometimes might not be fair and the wrong winner is chosen. But yeah, it's just for fun.

Okay, the last bit will be about the famous Danish kiss from 1957 which actually caused us loosing the title to I think Holland. But this kiss was the longest ever seen on stage and made people, maybe, uncomfortable or something, (pfft don't know why they didn't like it) but today it's a part of our Danish history and if you're just a slight bit interested in music, this is a piece of information that you have to know.  So at least but not last I'll put a link to the winning song of ESC 2013 with the words - Oh hell yeah, we won! 

Monday, 13 May 2013

end of year, or something

First of all, sorry I'm late with this one, but it's been a tough weekend, so I decided to wait till today...

I realised yesterday that we have less than three weeks of school left, of which this one is the last normal school week, the last two (or there abouts) are AT (a multi-subject project thing, I have to work with physics and math). Then after that there's a month of exams and tests which will be fun fun fun, or something. This year just seem to have passed so fast, and lots of things have happened, they do say that second year at the gymnasium is the hardest, (the school Sille and I are in at the moment is called a gymnasium, it's a three year long education, and it's a kind of general education). And we have, well I don't really know about Sille, but I've had a lot of assignments this year, especially at the end of the year where it's been 2 or 3 big-ish assignments a week, but it's been doable, and it's over soon...
In seven weeks my vacation will have started and I'll be in Northern Ireland, where I'll stay for two weeks, then I'll have little less than a week at home, in which I might spend some time at my aunt and uncle's, then I'll be in Czech Republic with the parents and then, the day I come home Chris also arrives in Denmark, he'll go home two weeks later and I'll go back to school, that'll be my summer, it'll be a busy one, and I'm probably going to tell you more about everything when it has happened.
And then it'll be back to school for the last year before university, phew, time flies, am I even old enough to feel like that? Oh well...

Also, I've started a tumblr on which I'll put my nerdy-crafty-thingies (or AMAZING ART as Chris calls it, though it really isn't...) linky link:

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Interview with lovely Camilla!

This blog will be an interview with my lovely friend Camilla - she agreed on this so no forced was used! Enjoy!

Are you ready?

Okay, can you start with telling us a bit about yourself?
Alright then. Well, my name is Camilla, ha. I'm seventeen years old, and on august 20th I'll turn 18. (Fun fact: Same day as Garfield, Collins & Barnes). I'm a cosplayer, and a member of the Danish group Pixie Pokers. I love reading, and to write to own stories, even though I suck at the last part. I'm currently in second year of high school, where I'm studying English A & Spanish A, hurrah for that. Uhm.. I'm the oldest of four kids, yo, and I'm trying to make my youngest brother, who is 2 at the moment, into a nerd. So far, he believes I'm Iron Man, and that he is Spiderman + he can walk over to people and say: "MY PRECIOUS". Am I a cool sister or what?

So Camilla, what's your passion in life?
My passion in life? I don't really know at the moment. I love to cosplay and I love to write. But.. I don't have that.. magical feeling inside, you know, the one you get when really love something. I used to get it all the time, but lately things have been going downhill. I'm sure it will change someday, and then I'll hopefully get the magic feeling back whenever I cosplay or write :)

So does that mean that you don't have a big dream of yours?
Exactly. I used to have planned everything about my god damn life. I had planned to become a journalist, no matter what. I had planned to move to England, and to become a writer. Now, when I think about the future, pretty much everything seems dark.

So you don't see any light in your future?
Not at this very moment. Hopefully it will all work out soon. Then we can get the bookstore with shopping-carts and free tea as we've been talking about!

Oh yes that's true! Then you can tell the readers about the two us then! Like, how we met, how you still haven't gone mad by being with me for several days in a row and our plans for the future!
How we met? We met when you were forced to join the English&Spanish class, right after Christmas in first year of high school! I'm glad you was forced into the class, because if you wasn't we most likely wouldn't speak, which would be pretty sad.
It's true I've been with you for day without being mad; at Sicily, where we shared a room and when we were writing SRO. We sad in the kitchen two days in a row, ate "monkey food", watched NCIS and talked about how we just wanted the god damned - or Satan bless it, if you prefer it that way - SRO to write itself!
When it comes for future plans we've the bookstore plan. But, besides that, we've a plan about a huge double wedding where everything is somehow fandom related. Us, aka the brides, will be wearing princess dresses. Instead of saying "I do", we'll say "I choose you", and the place where we'll eat our dinner will be dressed like The Great Hall from Hogwarts!

Oh yes, you're sure right about all that! So before we end this interview, do you have anything important to add?
The truth is... I'm Iron Man


The End

Happy and silly people