Monday, 9 July 2012


I've decided that since both Sille and I will be busy during the summer, the blog won't be updated as regularly as usually, but when we have time, we will return with the usual schedule sometime in August.
Have a nice summer!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Being a fan(girl)

Today’s blog will be about being a fan, especially a fan girl. Sidsel would probably be more classified to write about this subject but I came up with the idea first. (Though she has kinda talked about in one of the first blogs she did). Anyway to the point which will appear after my little story…  Today I designed my mythical shoes and I had decided that there had to some Harry Potter and My Little Pony on them. After almost killing my computer to make it all look good I finished my art work and put it on my shoes. The result is this: 

The reason why I chose to put HP and MLP on my shoes is of course simple - I’m a fan. But being a fan isn’t easy. First of all some people say you need to have done certain things to be a true fan - if it’s Harry Potter you need to have seen all the films and read all the books more than once. Maybe 3 or 100 times, nobody really knows where the line goes.
If it’s My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic some people say you have to know all the characters. For example there’s this grey/yellow pony named Derpy who appears all kind of places in almost all episodes. And if you don’t know that you’re not a fan, at least not a true fan and all of this result in lots of fights between people who actually love the exact same thing. Which in my opinion is completely madness: first of all no one can decide when you can call yourself a fan - only you can do that. Second: it’s ridiculous to hate on other fandoms - you might not like a show about ponies but some people do and you have to respect that as a decent human being. Now, I’m not telling you my dear reader what to do in life but I simply think that’s how things should be.
So where am I going with all this? Well the thing is, it’s not easy to be a fan of any fandom because there’ll always be someone who hates it and someone who tells you you’re not a true fan because you “don’t know everything”. But here’s my point: you shouldn’t care what others say - if you’re a fan of Doctor Who, True Blood, Sherlock, Stargate or any other TV-show/film/book you definitely are a fan. Don’t be ashamed and keep on watching/reading the stuff you like. (I sound like some wise dude. Or maybe it’s just me…)