Thursday, 29 December 2011

To be wrong

I don’t mind discussing things. Especially not if it’s an interesting topic. It can be rather fun and amusing and I like to ‘win’. Even though it happens I lose… But sometimes I feel like my discussing-partner is wrong. Wrong in the bad way. For example if I say: “The Earth is round,” and my ‘opponent’ says: “No it’s flat,” I know that the other one is wrong. But that’s okay. But sometimes the opponent is completely wrong. Wrong in this kind of way: “I won’t accept I’m wrong. That can’t be true.” That kind of way. And I hate it. I really can’t stand it when people can’t and won’t accept they’re not right. I was talking with a friend of mine the other day. We were talking about alcohol. He said and I quote: “Well I’m going to drink on New Year’s Eve.” My friend is underage and I told him that he actually wasn’t allowed to do that. He got all upset and started an argument. Of course if he wants to drink, and his parents say yes, I can’t see the problem. But the fact that he got all upset by a fact annoyed me. And still does. It wasn’t even worth discussing if he should drink or not, and people who can’t get facts like that into their brains are… lost. You can’t go through life without being wrong now and then. You have to make mistakes and learn. You have to learn that there are some things you can’t change. You can’t change the fact that you have to follow the law. You can’t change the fact that the sun is shining. You have to accept that you’ll die some day. And if you don’t… You’re lost…

Monday, 19 December 2011

For the noisy girl on the bus...

Almost every day I take the bus at least once, and I can't help but notice the people around me, and I am usually not one to judge people, because I am sick and tired of being judged myself, but every once in a while there are some people I just can't handle. Yes, I know I sound like an angry old person - but I simply can't stand noisy 12 year old girls who wear to much make-up, in my little world 12 year old girls shouldn't be wearing make-up. I was never fond of wearing make-up and I don't believe those girls who says they're ugly without it, if you think you're face is ugly - make-up won't make it look pretty, just fake.
Well back to the noisy girls with to much make-up, there is specifically one girl I've noticed, I don't know who she is, I don't know anything about her, I just know she's being so loud that even when I'm listening to music with my earplug-headphone-thingies in I can hear her complaining. And I know being 12 years old can be really hard,  I've been there, but unlike this girl I wasn't "miss popular" and I wasn't able to complain loudly while sitting in a public bus about how hard homework can be, or how hard it is when you're having a bad hair day. In my opinion, when your biggest problem is that you don't have time to be popular and do your homework, then you really don't have anything to complain about. And please consider if you want everyone to know about your problems...

Yeah, that was the complains of an angry teenage girl who is just trying to listen to music without having to hear about your problems...

Monday, 12 December 2011

Why music?

You get out of bed and limp into the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror and think: “Lord, I hate myself.” You turn on your phone, put on your favorite song. 30 minutes later you jump out of the bathroom, singing out loud: “Gooooodmorning Baltimore!”

Depending on who you are the choice of music will be different. And I’ve always wondered: “Why is music so incredible? What is it about these sounds that makes your mood goes up or down?” Well I think it lies in our blood. Our brain. Our soul. Once upon time a hairy old cave man hit a stone with a stick and he heard a sound. And that would be the beginning. He began to hit other things (I sure hope it wasn’t other people) and suddenly, after some time, the drums were invented. I do believe too that it was the black people how invented the drums. Maybe even music. Just look at them! They can dance better than everybody! Don’t call me a racist or anything I admire them who can what I’ll never be able to. I’ll never be able to dance. Or sing for that matter of what. But that doesn’t stop me for loving those things. Music means everything to me and even though I rarely dance I’m pretty sure I couldn’t live without that in the end either. The ending line? Music is good for your soul. It’s true…!

The wonder of socks

I've always had a great love of socks, especially the colourful socks. For years I never wore socks in pairs which is probably a good thing, because as you might know sock always disappear, and only one at a time. Many before me have tried to solve the mystery of disappearing socks, and I have quite a few theories about the subject, but I think the main reason for the sock-disappearance in my house is the fact that when the laundry comes back for cleaning, my socks ends up with my brother's clothing, I do not blame my mother for this, mainly because I am way to lazy to do stuff myself...
But it seems I have some extraordinary sock too, the socks in my sports bag seem to reproduce, I put one pair into the bag and when I need them the next day, there are five socks, this has happened twice now, and I can't help but wonder whether someone is messing with me or something... But at least I get some extra socks out of it!
People who know me, will probably know how much I love my socks especially my Star Wars socks, I am quite fond of my Star Wars socks, it's actually starting to look like a Star-Wars-sock-collection, I have 11 pairs now, and I am hoping to receive some more this Christmas or for my birthday, because the some of the pairs I have are holed already.
Anyway, I think socks are different from other clothes, and often forgotten in some way, you don't go into a shop with your friend and look at a pair of socks, like you'd do with a pair of jeans or a shirt. But I do like socks a lot, they keep my feet warm, some them are even fancy, and I do hope that somebody shares my love for socks....